
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Anime Weekend Atlanta Log

Day 1

Well, I'm back from my first day at AWA and I'll begin by saying that despite having a fun time, I really didn't go see a lot of stuff. This is mainly because of just going to see a lot of old friends and more or less follow them around and just chat with other fans of gaming or anime, and ultimately, I still had a lot of fun. Because of this, tonight's log isn't so much any new stuff that's happened, but more just a remininsing of various aspect about this conventions as well as just some remarks I came across.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Anime Weekend Atlanta Pre-Show: Super Happy Fun Sale

All right. This is very exciting. I was thinking about doing this for a little while, but I had decided against it, mainly because I felt that while it is a celebration of anime and gaming that it was something that not too many people may be in, since it's more or less a lesser known, but after meeting some friends there, I couldn't help but at least give it it's due and who knows, maybe one day I'll be going to this with my own panel someday, so who knows?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fighting Games 101: Character Selection

About a year and a half ago, I thought I was awesome and an expert at fighting games when Street Fighter 4 came out. After all, I had played nearly all the previous games and except for a few people I thought that I was king of Third Strike. How could I possible suck at Street Fighter 4? Well, surprise, surprise, I did, big time. After continuous losses and great amounts of frustration, I wondered 'why was that?' Because I wasn't using strategy or even trying to understand how this particular game worked differently from previous titles in the series.