
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Forced Continuation Disease

So after my article on the best of Metal Gear Solid, I got to admit that I had a bit of trouble thinking about what to review next and while I have a good number of ideas, one movie in particular came to mind. I won't say specifically which, but lets say it has to do with some old series that I used to enjoy, but as it went on, my love for the series deteriorate at a great rate. It doesn't help that I'm thinking about this in the shower of all places, but nevermind that.

The reason the series seemed to deteriorate was after it contracted what I like to call the 'forced continuation disease'. What is force continuation disease or FCD for short? The concept centers around a fairly good and enjoyable series, such as for instance, Naruto, that starts off fairly strong, only to be controlled by a demand by the fans for more and as a result, it goes down in quality.

Spoilers abound for a few series, so readers beware.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Parasite Eve AKA Much Ado about Mitochrondria

With the release of Final Fantasy 13 near the beginning of the year, Roleplaying games in general continue to advance in complex battles, plot (arguably), and needless to say, graphics. It’s almost surprising to note that Square, the company behind Final Fantasy, has made more franchises than just Final Fantasy, such as Brave Fencer Musashi, the just as popular Kingdom Hearts franchise, the Mana series, and lastly, Parasite Eve and since it's Christmas time and the game takes place during Christmas, what better way to celebrate than to be scared out of your pants.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Diamond Daydreams

Reviewer note: This review was originally written back in the Winter of 2006

Yes, tis that time of year where we all go and pay ridiculous prices for those we love. However, if you’re like me, then you don’t have a girlfriend or at least you had one and now because of the break up, you just lie awake at night and spend your days curled up in your basement crying yourself asleep and now you’re so pale that it hurts to go outside because the sun burns your eyes. If you fit this category, or if you’re an otaku who wants an anime that actually makes you feel something in the cockles of your heart, or perhaps even in the sub-cockles, then Diamond Daydreams might be your anime.