
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Anime Weekend Atlanta Pre-Show: Super Happy Fun Sale

All right. This is very exciting. I was thinking about doing this for a little while, but I had decided against it, mainly because I felt that while it is a celebration of anime and gaming that it was something that not too many people may be in, since it's more or less a lesser known, but after meeting some friends there, I couldn't help but at least give it it's due and who knows, maybe one day I'll be going to this with my own panel someday, so who knows?

Firstly though, I'd like to talk about something I've never been to despite having gone to this thing for a good several years. Granted, I had heard of it like those little rumors about a secret association of people who run the world... except instead of running the world, these people sell stuff!

I speak of the Super Happy Fun Sale! What is the Super Happy Fun Sale? It's basically the gathering of a lot of people with a lot of collectables and items that they more or less just want to get rid of the belongings that they may no longer care for, and as the saying goes, “one man's trash is another man's gold!” So why not at least make some earnings off of it? That's the Super Happy Fun Sale in a nutshell.

And these dealers are very nice. Granted, to most of them, this isn't so much a business, but more like a chance to make some earnings. Because of this, you can stand and talk with a lot of the dealers about their wares or just various things they like. All in all it's good fun.

Did I mention that the prices are awesome? Yea, think you find good deals in the dealers room on the last day? Nope! …Well, okay, that's debatable, but for a small little collection of fans who want to sell things, the items you find are still pretty nifty. This is want I got from my own browing.

  • Castlevania Judgement Limited Edition Art Piece
  • Cowboy Bebop Ed and Ein figures
  • Card Captor Sakura Poster
  • A Game called Sol Divide (which may come up in a review soon)
  • Jubei-Chan figure

And how much did I pay for all these items? 50 bucks? Nuh-uh. 25 bucks? Nope. 15 bucks? Closer, but still no. All these items were for a very reasonable and hard to hate price of 11 dollars. Already I'm happy to be going to this convention, and I hope that this year is just as fun as the previous.

Of course, I'll be trying to post logs about each day, including pictures of costumes that I find impressive or just unique, so stay tuned.


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